talk lit, get hit
hello and welcome to talk lit, get hit. the book podcast for recovering book snobs where we read viral books the internet won’t shut up about and rate them lit or shit. we’re your hosts bridget and laura, lovers of sad girl fiction and tragic endings - fearers of smut, urban fantasy and the “who did this to you?” trope. join us as we pick apart all the books the internet loves and embark on a journey to figure out why.
talk lit, get hit
bonus chapter: life and death by stephenie meyer
this episode we are bringing the cringe and chaos of a work christmas party to talk lit, get hit podcast for our annual “talk lit, get lit” drinking and podcasting extravaganza. for our last bonus chapter of the year, we are discussing none other than life and death by Stephenie Meyer. the booktok twilight renaissance continues as we pull apart the literary masterpiece that was promised to be midnight sun but instead ended up as a gender bent twilight reimagining. we drink spiced ginger beers, crunch on pebble ice, clink glasses, demand justice for bella and have lots to say about the stars of the show - beaufort swan and edythe cullen.
send us questions, things you want us to speak about or just say hi!
choose our next podcast read by going here and voting in the first week of each month!
make sure you subscribe to hear our groundbreaking thoughts as soon as they are unleashed. if you want to be on the same page as us, follow us at talklit.gethit on Instagram and TikTok.
theme music born from the creative genius of Big Boi B.
talk lit, get hit are reading and recording on Giabal, Jagera, Jarowair & Turrbal lands. we acknowledge the cultural diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and pay respect to Elders past, present and future. always was, always will be.